Upcoming SPONSOR event: Extracurricular Timeline for Each Year of High School with a Former UPenn Admissions Officer 秋季晚宴赞助商线上讲座 – 前宾夕法尼亚大学招生官解析高中课外活动时间表

Crimson Education invites Hunter College High School parents and students to a virtual presentation with a Former UPenn Admissions Officer. This presentation will discuss how you can guide your child towards activities that not only resonate with admissions officers, but also build their confidence and skills for life.

Our speaker, Eileen, will cover:

  • Plan extracurricular activities year-by-year for grades 9–12
  • Start early—or catch up strategically if you’re running late
  • Build leadership, commitment, and meaningful impact
  • Frame achievements and scale for admissions committees
  • Learn from real examples of successful student profiles

Our speaker will also answer your questions LIVE throughout the presentation. Register now!

Sign up link:  


Crimson Education 邀请 Hunter College High School 的家长和学生参加一场线上讲座,与前宾夕法尼亚大学
主讲人 Eileen 将分享:
✅ 9-12 年级的课外活动规划
✅ 如何尽早开始,或者如果进度较慢,如何有效赶上
✅ 培养领导力、承诺精神及有意义的影响力
✅ 如何展示个人成就,并让其在招生委员会面前脱颖而出
✅ 真实案例解析:成功申请者的课外活动履历
🎤 Eileen 还将在讲座过程中实时解答您的问题!
📅 立即注册,不要错过!https://www.crimsoneducation.org/us/campaign/february-23-us-partner-hunter-college-extracurricular-timeline-for-each-year-of-high-school-registration

About Crimson Education: 

Crimson Education is America’s leading college admissions consultancy. We understand what it takes for students to get into the most competitive universities in the US, and work with each of our students to make sure they achieve top college admissions success. We know that students often only get ‘one shot’ at applying to their dream schools and we take our role in their application journey very seriously.

Our students get the best results of any consultancy in the country — gaining admission to the Ivy League and other top colleges at more than 6.75x the general applicant rate. To learn more about Crimson and our services, read more here!

关于 Crimson Education
Crimson Education 是全美领先的大学申请咨询机构。我们深知进入美国顶尖大学的竞争有多激烈,因此为每位学生量身打造个性化申请规划,确保他们取得理想的录取结果。
我们明白,学生往往只有 一次机会 申请他们梦想的学校,因此我们始终以最严谨、专业的态度,助力他们实现名校梦想。
我们的学生录取率远超全国平均水平 —— 进入常春藤盟校及其他顶尖大学的概率是普通申请者的 6.75 倍!
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