Sign up link (报名链接): https://www.crimsoneducation.org/us/campaign/august-28-us-partner-hunter-college-from-new-york-to-the-ivy-league-registration
A Crimson Education Presentation, Wednesday, August 28th at 8:00pm ET (8月28日美东时间晚8点)
From New York to the Ivy League: Navigating Admissions Trends & Criteria for Top Universities
Crimson Education invites Hunter College High School parents and students to a virtual presentation with a Former Harvard Admissions Officer on the ins-and-outs of gaining acceptance to the Ivy League and other top universities.
The presentation will include information on what admissions officers look for in applicants from New York, with key considerations for applicants to the most selective universities, complete with admissions data and an analysis of the latest trends in the evolving admissions landscape.
Our speaker, Devery, will cover:
- What top college admissions officers look for in the strongest applicants
- How to strategically approach each part of the application
- Key metrics from the latest admissions cycle and how they should inform your application
- Early round and waitlist trends at the country’s best colleges
Devery will also answer your questions LIVE throughout the presentation!
Crimson Education邀请亨特学院高中的家长和学生参加一个虚拟讲座,由前哈佛大学招生官介绍如何进入常春藤联盟及其他顶尖大学的详细信息。
- 顶尖大学招生官在最优秀的申请者中寻找什么
- 如何策略性地处理申请的每一部分
- 最新招生周期的关键数据,及其对申请者的启示
- 全国最优秀大学的提前录取和候补名单趋势
Devery 还将在讲座期间全程实时回答您的问题!
About Crimson Education:
Crimson Education is America’s leading college admissions consultancy. We understand what it takes for students to get into the most competitive universities in the US, and work with each of our students to make sure they achieve top college admissions success. We know that students often only get ‘one shot’ at applying to their dream schools and we take our role in their application journey very seriously.
Our students get the best results of any consultancy in the country — gaining admission to the Ivy League and other top colleges at more than 6.75x the general applicant rate. To learn more about Crimson and our services, read more here!
关于Crimson Education:
Crimson Education是美国领先的大学招生咨询机构。我们了解学生进入美国最具竞争力大学所需的条件,并与每位学生合作,确保他们取得顶尖大学的录取成功率。我们知道,学生通常只有“一次机会”申请他们梦想的学校,因此我们对自己在他们申请过程中的角色非常重视。